Some of us have been in the horror movie space for so long that it may feel like nothing can surprise us anymore. We’ve seen the classics, the remakes, the requels, and analyzed them all down to their cinematic atoms.
We’ve memorized the final girl formulas and the geometries of jump scares. We may still be scared, but the fear comes more from knowing the beats than from the unknowns
But sometimes, a movie comes along that is able to do the impossible: It’s able to scare us, spook us, and even surprise us.
This element of surprise is exactly why Hack or Slash’s Paranormal Paramour, Binx Pino, fell in love with, and would love to relive her first time with the Jordan Peele breakout horror film: Get Out (2017)
How old were you when you first watched Get Out?
I was a quarter of a century old…in other words, 25.
Describe the first watch. Where were you? Who were you with? How did it make you feel?
I remember seeing this in theaters, but truthfully not entirely sure with who - potentially with some friends I'd imagine or with my mom but what I do remember is being shocked to my core by the reveal, and would love to relive that feeling again. I do wish I recalled who I saw it with, though…maybe I was hypnotized into forgetting?
What about this movie made such a strong impression on you?
The overall film felt so on the nose about racial commentary of its time, but it also delivered it in some of the best writing I've seen on screen to date. It balances thriller, horror, comedy, and the supernatural in a way that felt so original and surprising. I really didn’t know where the movie was going to go at its next turn, and that kind of writing is what stays with you. I felt like this was a movie people were going to talk about for years to come, and that’s still true.
When was the last time you watched Get Out?
I actually recently rewatched it for my October 2024 Spooky Movie Marathon! I strongly recommend it be a part of your rotation or at least something to revisit if its been a while for you.
How does the experience differ now from your first time?
I think now knowing the reveal of the ending, you watch the film in a new light and can catch the subtle nuances of certain characters. I found myself listening more intently to things that were said, noticing facial reactions that were made, and just realizing what was actually happening under my nose the first time.
You never forget your first horror milestones. They stay with you, they sometimes comfort you, they can even show you how far you’ve grown. They are important even years later to the makeup of who you are today.
So go ahead, be kind, rewind and press play again.
Stay tuned for future editions of “Like A Virgin” featuring your favorite members of the Hack or Slash family!