Hack or Slash
Sept. 6, 2024

Quick Tips to Build the Best 31 Days Watchlist

Quick Tips to Build the Best 31 Days Watchlist

Every October, horror movie lovers of all preferences and experiences embark on the deeply personal journey of watching at least one horror movie during every day in October to get into the spooky Halloween spirit! For some it is an opportunity to expand their horror horizons (horror-izons if you will) or to revisit their tried and true favorites for a more fun and familiar chill up the spine.

But for even the most seasoned horror aficionados, the task of building a “31 Days of Horror” list that will be the perfect lead-in for the big day can be daunting. How many new releases should be accounted for while mixed with old classics? What should the horror rookies do to make sure they aren’t filling their list with movies that they don’t even know if they’d enjoy?

Before you get yourself too worked up and we find you rocking back and forth humming “Spooky Scary Skeletons” to yourself surrounded by empty Reese’s Pumpkin wrappers, check out some of the tips and tricks below to help you plan and prep a most excellent 31 Days of Horror watchlist.

  1. Borrow from the pros. When it comes to horror we all know that imitation (or borderline plagiarism) can often be the greatest form of flattery. And it’s TOTALLY ok for you to do the same while crafting your watchlist. Sometimes it’s easier to start with a framework as opposed to a blank page.

    So, whether you decide to draw inspiration from the watchlist of a fellow fan in the Hack or Slash Discord or you decide to use the popular “Hooptober” list that emerges every year with its unique rundown of various guidelines/requirements, embrace it! Make it your own with the specific goals that you know you personally want to get out of a 31-day horror binge.

    Or better yet, crowdsource your watchlist and fill it with recommendations from your horror movie buff friends based on what you like, what genres you want to explore further and even suggestions on ones to avoid.

  2. Space out the tough stuff. The best advice I can give to all horror watchers in October is to PACE. YOUR. SELF. I myself have been guilty of racking up some of the grodiest, toughest watches on my schedule back-to-back. Those years, I find myself throwing in the towel for the month right around Oct. 25 and struggling to fulfill my 31-day goal. 

    31 Days of Horror is a marathon not a sprint. Be strategic about when you watch certain movies. Perhaps plan to watch one of the tough ones followed by lighter fare (think, “Beetlejuice”, “Addams Family”, even “Hotel Transylvania") to recover and cleanse the palate. Your brain and blood pressure will thank you!

  3. TV shows count. I grew up an avid fan of the Halloween-themed TV episodes that really made me feel like the spooky season was actually upon us. (If it’s on TV then it’s gotta be true!) Think back to some of the Halloween-themed “Hey Arnold!” and “Rugrats” episodes that you would always forget about until they aired again every year. Or really dig into your nostalgia feels with an oldie like “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” or Disney’s “Silly Skeletons” short. 

    They’re great for days when you know you might be too busy to commit to a whole movie. These episodes may be short but they still carry their weight! 

  4. It’s okay to turn it off. Not every movie on your watchlist is going to hit the way you hoped. Life is too short to waste time watching movies that you don’t like. Especially during such a sacred time as the spooky season. So, if you’re 30 minutes in and realize this movie is just not doing it for you, or maybe it’s a little too intense for you at that moment, hit the exit button and find something else to watch. (We promise we won’t tell.)


A final reminder before you dive into your horror watches: 31 Days of Horror is supposed to be FUN! There is no scoreboard, there are no other people keeping tabs on what you watch, what you don’t watch or why. It is all about getting into the spooky spirit while talking about how much we love horror along the way. 

Happy watching!


Check out our community’s 31 Days of Horror watchlists and share your own by joining the conversation in our Hack or Slash Discord server!