Hack or Slash


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Thank You
I used to listen to this one horror movie review podcast that I will not name, but had to unsubscribe because I absolutely could not stand one of the hosts, and it was becoming stressful to listen to. So, I searched for a replacement and found you guys and have not been disappointed. So, thank you for that!
One of my go to for horror reviews
Great movie review podcast
These podcast hosts have thorough, interesting discussions about movies. Their opinions reinforced some of my own feelings, but I also gained new insights. I found the podcast when looking for reviews of Wolf Man. I’ll certainly listen to more.
At first the hosts opinions really got under my skin when I would hear them tear down movies that I loved but despite not agreeing with a lot of their tales I do love listening to the podcast. Everybody is entitled to their opinions on horror movies and the differing point of views make this podcast a slash and a must listen
Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp
Awesome show, one of my favorite horror pods. Came here to tell Binx, Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp
Quirktastique slash Beetlejuice 2
A heartwarming, joyful review on Beetlejuice 2 , these awesome souls proved their Slash, Burtonian , Dr. Phibes , Vincent Prician gothgore ! 😁🖤Can’t wait to listen to every episode!
One of the best podcasts of the 21st century
Hack or Slash is a really entertaining podcast. It's reviews are very insightful, the humor is laugh-out-loud funny, it deserves nothing more than five stars.
Great pod
Always want to discuss a horror film once I leave the theater, don’s always have the people to discuss it with. Listening to this pod is a pretty close substitute. Keep up the good work!
People are weird…
I had to sort the low ratings to see what the people said…all I see is low IQ. As someone who has sampled many a horror movie podcasts, this crew is what I was looking for. It’s real opinions, on the actual movie reviewed, thoughtful commentary and discussion as opposed to podcasters who think they’re interesting and stand up comedians. If you’re here for a entertaining conversation with friends, then welcome !
Great podcast
Hack or Slash is by far THE best horror review podcast. I’ve listened to quite a bit of these kind of podcasts, but HOS is the only one that I continue to listen to. I like how each host gives their opinions with actual discussions between all of them. It’s nice that they break it into 2 parts so that there are no spoilers in case someone hasn’t seen the movie.
Horror Movie/Culture Reviews that SATISFY!
Wow, and wow. If you’ve been searching for that new Podcast to indulge in (that’s something other than the worn out flavor of true crime or cooking or wellness or what have you’s) and really love all things Horror, you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor by checking this out and supporting it’s growth. The diversity of the caster’s voices and the engrossing conversations will put a smile on your face, steep your interests into new-to-you titles, and sometimes recharge or challenge your opinions old cherished titles and franchises. This gang of individuals always deliver fodder worth coming back for. Start at the beginning, or at any title that grips your anchor, and just let it play on…
Scary, Good Fun!
Listening to the group come at movies with all different points of view is fun to hear. The dynamic between everyone works really well and Kris has a perfect voice for podcasts. I could listen to her read nutrition facts on a label. Keep up the amazing work. As a dude who is only slightly older, born in 1984, I’ve enjoyed re-watching some old favorites and watching things I’ve never seen while listening to films be broken down intelligently. There are so many movie review podcasts that have an analysis to the tune of “it’s a good movie, I like it” and that’s as in-depth as they get. You folks are fantastic!
Five Slash Podcast!
I thoroughly enjoy tuning in to Hack or Slash. Since I’ve started to listen to them, I have discovered other horror classics, been on a few episodes as a call in and even made a real life friendship with another listener. I can’t stress enough to add them to you playlist. Call in. Join in on the live recordings. And of course give them a slash, and a five star review.
Team Capsho
Kris skillfully dissects each film, providing just enough information to pique your interest, but not so much as to spoil the viewing experience. Each episode is a balance between engaging conversation and insightful analysis.
Second to none!
Hack or Slash is not only an expertly produced and high quality podcast, but an incredible community that feels like home! All members of the family are welcomed with open arm and the inclusion and warmth of the hosts and fellow listeners is a beautiful thing. The content is fantastic. I could listen for days on end and sometimes I do! There is no better podcast out there. It's a wonderful balance of humour, real discussion and deeper meanings behind our favourite movies! So much love to the whole community!
This podcast is definitely a Slash!
If you’re looking for a fun horror podcast, this is the podcast for you! The hosts all bring their own horror backgrounds to the podcast, and love the spirited debates on if a movie is worth your time or something you may want to pass on.
Elite Horror Movie Podcast
I’m quick to recommend to this long time horror fans or new ones. Huge fan of the team and the content, and their Discord community is lovely. I appreciate a section for spoilers if I haven’t seen the film yet, and each cast member has an opportunity to really express their perspectives. They really do embrace the idea that horror is for everyone. Shout out to Mack, who loves the sub genre of sci-fi/horror, and I can’t wait for Vero to make a comeback. When I started with one episode, I found myself neck deep in their content by the end of the week. It’s easy to browse their episodes for films you’ve seen, and I’ve actually been put on to movies I wouldn’t have otherwise seen. Rather than sitting around a mic and bashing a film, they really do connect back to their own life experiences. And their fake ads? Immediately go to their Hellraiser episode and enjoy their take on a demonic Bop-It.
Great show!
Hey guys and gals! Great show. Although I do not agree with some of the opinions on classic horror movies, (they are opinions for a reason), I love binge listening while I’m at work and at this point do not think I could get through the day without you guys! Keep up the good work! P.s I personally believe Waxwork was a good film!
My new favorite podcast
Love the round table discussion of these movies. Kris is the best! I reached out to her about finding past content and she responsive and so kind. So much so I became a Patreon member. Continued success you guys!
Y’all are very special to the horror community!!!
Podcast & The Whole Gang is 10/10 much love for you guys
A great group of host
New listener to the show. I gotta say, I’m hooked!! The way they break down each movie is just perfect. They don’t give to much information, just enough to make you want to watch the movie they are discussing. I love all of the different options of all of the host. They make you look at horror movies in a different way.
This pod gets a Slash from me.
Just discovered this pod and I’m hooked. Great conversation and hosts. Can’t wait to go back and listen to older eps.
Great show
I do like how it is broken into two portions. The conversation between podcasters is very natural. Love the show. Glad I stumbled upon it.
I appreciate your insights, Kris
I love when only two of you are doing the podcast. It allows for a deeper, richer conversation
Great debaters
This panel is awesome. Nobody holds back their true opinions and the assessments are usually dead on. I wish this podcast continued success and look forward to new movie reviews every day. Keep up the good work…
Great stuff
You guys are the best horror movie review podcast on the internet. Funny/insightful commentary on some of my favorite horror franchises of the last 20-40 years. keep up the great work, can’t wait for your Scream 2022 review.
Great listen!
I am not a horror fan myself, but I do love monster movies! This podcast is so much fun and thoughtful and takes you on a journey with some great movies with a great crew. Definitely worth the listen even if your not a fan of horror, like me!
No sleep
I put your podcast on to try to sleep, but after about 15 minutes I’m fully invested in hearing what you think about these films! I can’t go to sleep until after the episode. You have great chemistry and I absolutely love your work. SLASH!
Explore the different Flavors of Horror
I thoroughly enjoy this Podcast. Excellent banter, funny, thought provoking. no inturuping side chatter, BS meanderings . I love that each member does have their own Flavor of horror. which makes this pod review complete. It's not a panel of just Gore lovers.. Great format I enjoy that some weeks I'll agree with one host or twoo , then the following week I'm on board with a different Host. What's your flavor?